What equipment is provided by the league?
The league supplies each team with baseballs, baseball bats, helmets, and catcher's equipment. Some players elect to purchase their own bats, helmets, and catcher's equipment and bring these with them to each game, but these are not required for participation.
The league supplies each player with a Parkway Little League hat and a game jersey.
What equipment do players need to provide?
Baseball Glove
All players are expected to have their own baseball glove and to bring it with them to all games and practices
Baseball Pants
Baseball pants are strongly recommended for all players. Players are responsible for purchasing their own pants unless otherwise noted. At the tee ball level, baseball pants are common, but not universal. At the instructional level and above, all players are expected to wear baseball pants to all games. Players should consult with their team manager prior to the season to determine if there are any particular pant styles or colors that should be purchased in order to have a consistent uniform across the team.
Cleats are strongly recommended for all players. These should be plastic cleats. Metal spikes are not allowed.
Batting Gloves
Batting gloves are an optional accessory that many players elect to use. These provide additional grip on the bat, especially on hot days, and also help prevent blisters during batting practice.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, we are encouraging as many players as possible to bring their own helmets and bats. There will be cleaning protocols in place for any shared equipment.
Lost and Found
All players should label personal equipment with their name, as many gloves, bats, and helmets look the same. The Lost and Found is located in the Concession Stand at the Little League Complex, in the hallway next to the bathrooms.